Fifty Three to Fifty Six: Owens, Rylance, and OCAT

Saturday, December 02, 2006

Owens, Rylance, and OCAT

M I N U T E S (Amended at the 7/7/04 Commission meeting, see underlined areas below)
Oshkosh Cable Television Advisory Commission Regular Meeting May 5, 2004

Chairman Witte then asked for any communications from cable subscribers or the general
public. Mr. Urben then distributed a citizen complaint filed by Dan Rylance at 602 E.
Parkway. Mr. Rylance’s complaint was against a program produced by a local resident
producer (Gordon Doule) on his show “Vox Pop” shown the week of April 10 on CATV
2. Mr. Rylance noted he felt the comments of Mr. Doule and his guest (State
Representative Carol Owens) was “homophobic, cruel and totally lacking in fairness to
the gay/lesbian community of Oshkosh.” Mr. Urben then showed a tape of the specific
area of the program in which Mr. Rylance took exception. Chairman Witte then asked if
either Mr. Rylance or Mr. Doule would care to address the Commission. Mr. Rylance
reiterated the basis of his complaint. He then asked if Dr. Denis Clark from UWOshkosh
could speak on the matter. Dr. Clark also expressed her outrage towards the
comments said on the Vox Pop program. She noted the comments on the program could
be construed as hate speech and slanderous language that could endanger her reputation.
Mr. Doule then spoke and expressed his reasoning for his comments. Upon further
questions, Mr. Rylance noted they would like an invitation to appear on Vox Pop with
Mr. Doule to explain their side on the matter. Mr. Doule noted he would be agreeable to

Chairman Witte then opened the discussion to the Commission. Ms. Asbury was
personally offended by the comments on the program, and questioned whether the
program was libelous or if there should be equal time for opposing views.....


Blogger Ron said...

Holy Shit!

Slander? Libel? How do I get my own show???

9:10 AM  

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